sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014


This child in the picture is motivated to search through the internet the world wonders, where he is unable to visit in real life. So, because internet and technology he can travel by a virtual tour.

But, this child may also be in risk of not enjoying the wonders that  are in the other side of his window, because the time he spends in front of the PC. 

It is necessary to balance your time of exposition to the technology and to the reality. 
A shared learning making an appropriate use of resources (time, softwares, connections, blogs, accessible services, videos, others) on the internet.


16 comentarios:

  1. It an exelent idea to knows another cultures through the internet is, because cheap if you travel around the world you wasted a lot of money.

  2. This boy can not visit the places he wants to, but he uses the internet in order to know about other cultures and wonderful places. In the order hand is bad to spend a lot of time in front the PC.

  3. This boy and the most people live this way, I think, the technology certainly gives opportunity to see beyond window but parents really are to blame for this, we do not take care what our children facing the computer for several hours.

  4. We live in a medium by which technology advances and increasingly influences our daily activities, so it is extremely important to use these technologies give as we can lead to good or bad use of it, therefore it depends on ourselves, to distribute our time properly and with great responsibility. There are times when the expectations are always very different from the reality, so as humans we must look beyond what we normally observe.

  5. I think technology has become a number one source for communication in society. also Technology is very important cause it could help you solve problems for all kinds of business. People must be responsible when they use technology specially with their own kids because they are the targets of criminal people.

  6. The use of technology especially in school-age children has its advantages as access to information immediately and have disadvantages for the misuse of this technology creates problems of various kinds. We must not forget that children should develop their cognitive part and also their motricity because is essential for their integral development. The time a child must remain in contact with technology is absolute responsibility their parents, they must monitor and supervise what their children see and hear, they are responsible for inculcating values such as responsibility from a young age.

  7. I think we should take time to learn how to properly handle the information from the virtual world and knowing you apply real world educational purposes, as we can access pages that do not suit us and we could really harm us over time.
    Spend a little more time to equal the real and the virtual to face situations that could really happen.

  8. i think that that computer is a exellent tool for the education, and has much to do with the child's learning and computer elsewhere has a negative effect thanks to technology the student not to society because only integrating will be at the computer and will not have a moment of integration with family and friends.

  9. In my opinion, Internet is a powerful channel for sharing and accessing information. This characteristic has made the web a widely used tool for conducting research because it allows people to access a significant amount of information without geographic boundaries and time limits. Nevertheless reliability of the sources can be uncertain, timeliness unstable and a negligent use of the Internet can result a danger to children and adolescents if that is done without adult supervision.

  10. I think technology may be helpful, but we all must be conscientious of how much time and energy we give to it and in turn take away from the humans in our lives.
    Nothing replaces Sunday night family dinners, game night with friends with real games, hugs from a loved one, smiles from a friend or long conversations with our brothers ans sisters

  11. With the proliferation of technologies that are able to overcome the obstacles of time and space, for instance airplanes, cars, the Internetand so on, one would think that these tools would be used to gain an understanding of other cultures, meet people all over the world, maintain and strengthen familial relationships, communicate effectively with others, and help people to become more socially adept. However, some technological advances cause people to be distracted, overly stressed, and increasingly isolated. Many people are involved in an abundant number of relationships through technology, but sometimes the quantity of these associations leaves people feeling qualitatively empty. Obviously, technology has had a profound impact on what it means to be social.

  12. The use of the Internet and new technologies have changed the lifestyle of most people. Thanks to the internet, adults and children can access valuable information quickly, being a necessary working tool for our growth as people. In children increases their intellectual development. However, due to easy accessibility to these technologies, it is vital that parents supervise their children because the misuse of Internet may cause risks in the growth and development of children. It also can trigger symptoms such as social distraction, disrespect, impatience, among others.

  13. The development of technology and communications during the last decade of the 20th century has had an important influence in our lives. But also there is a great disadvantage in it like: People have to learn new skills since the world of work has changed. As a result, people who can not use computers will not be able to get a job.! So in my personal opinion people haveto adapt to the new tecknological world .

  14. I think that technology is very important nowadays because it is a WINDOW to explore and to get new knowledge. Technolgy in education has become a helping tool to make students get interested in a particular subject. Teenagers have a wide access to surf the internet, but most of them do not use it for academical proposes; and that becomes a desadvantage. There are many applications that teachers are able to use with students in class to develop a topic, and students are able to improve their knowledge. Teenagers should be guied by their parents and teachers on the use of the internet. Maybe most of teachers are not ready to use this wonderful tool fully, therefore they do not feel comfortable in the use of TICS in class.

  15. I think and I believe that tecnology is really important for our entire and diary life, could be at work at university at home, etc tecnology helps us to get a good moment to try to find some homeworks or jobs and to keep a relationship and good communication with someone else like family or boyfriend if those people are out of our country
